Ondemand Webinar

Intelligent Customer Outreach with Kumo

A deep dive on how the Kumo platform can power your business's customer outreach strategy. 

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Notifications are among the most effective means for businesses to engage with their customers. It ensures the user has the right information at the most actionable time. It can also be a powerful strategy to drive engagement and revenue. When done well, notifications should be a natural extension of your core product and enhance the overall customer experience.

Engineering an effective notifications system involves volume control optimization (identifying the right time, frequency, and cadence for each user), channel selection (each user has their own affinity based on notification and timing - i.e. email, text, in-app notification), and content personalization (the notification message should be aligned and relevant to the user). Traditionally, this requires solving dozens different machine learning problems, many of which will require dedicated pipelines.

Kumo’s approach is to make it very easy to quickly generate predictions that will help you understand future potential outcomes based on a set of actions. This webinar will dive into how you can use the Kumo platform to go from raw data to a highly optimized and personalized customer outreach across all of your users.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to streamline your customer outreach and gain valuable insights for future success. Watch now to discover how Kumo can transform your raw data into highly optimized and personalized notifications across all your users.


Myunghwan Kim

Myunghwan Kim

Applied Machine Learning Lead

Kumo AI

Ivaylo Bahtchevanov

Community Lead for PyG, Product Team

Kumo AI